Best Place for Outdoor Gear in Fayetteville

When a city is located right in the midst of what is considered some of the best natural beauty in the entire country, it only stands to reason that active lifestyle enthusiasts need not look far to find excellent retail options for outdoor gear.

Fayetteville, Arkansas is surrounded by incredible destinations for hiking, trail running, cycling, mountain biking, rock climbing, canoeing and kayaking—so we’ve put together an insider’s look at the best local stores for outstanding products supported by knowledgeable staff happy to share the pro tips that will make your adventures in the Natural State even better.


Building a loyal customer following since 2009, Fayettechill is a homegrown company centered on creating “Goods for the Woods that are Good for the Woods.” The team is committed to honoring and showcasing the natural beauty of the Ozark Mountains through eco-conscious, made-to-last products inspired by the outdoors. Fayettechill designs feature work by local and nationally known artists and are made from recycled polyester and cotton, hemp and organic cotton—produced in the U.S. whenever possible. Look for unique attire and accessories for men, women and children.

While this Fayetteville icon no longer has a bricks and mortar, we'd be remiss to not mention them. You can find their goods locally at Gearhead Outfitters and Uncle Sam's Safari Outfitters.

Gearhead Outfitters

Another company founded in Arkansas to embrace a mountain-loving lifestyle, Gearhead Outfitters has a mission of helping its customers live active, fulfilling lives through outdoor-inspired products, backed by expertise and great service. Gearhead stores are filled with curated brands known for excellent quality. Customers will find a wide array of clothing appropriate for any season, backpacks and bags, shoes, coolers, outdoor equipment and an array of accessories. Items are available ranging from infant sizes to adult.

101 N Block Ave

Pack Rat Outdoor Center

Aside from the enjoying benefits of finding an excellent selection of carefully selected outdoor gear and apparel, visitors to Pack Rat Outdoor Center are continuously wowed by the fantastic custom log building that houses all retails and operations. In business since its tiny garage beginnings in 1973, the store now serves as a gathering place for people to shop, learn about outdoor living and equipment firsthand from an expert staff, and even socialize at community events hosted to support outdoor and conservation-related nonprofit organizations. And because Pack Rat is solidly committed to properly stewarding the environment, 99% of the energy for their building is solar-generated and they actively work to recycle, upcycle and compost every single thing they can.

209 W Sunbridge Drive

Southtown Sporting Goods

This fishing, hunting, camping and sporting supply store has been a locally owned and operated mainstay for three decades. Southtown Sporting Goods is especially known as a one-stop-shop for all sorts of fishing supplies, but they also stock a great inventory of waterfowl hunting equipment, archery supplies, paddle sports equipment—and rugged, yet stylish outdoor apparel. Customers regularly brag on the quality of service and solid staff expertise that makes first time or repeat adventuring all the more enjoyable.

4602 N College Avenue

Uncle Sam’s Safari Outfitters

Around since 1982, Uncle Sam’s is a friendly, well-known go-to for military surplus such as tents, packs, MREs and more—as well as additional camping goods, outdoor gear, trail food and active wear ranging from technical to fashionable. The staff is well-versed on the best local adventures and they stay up-to-date on excellent new products and trends. Locals know to watch for Uncle Sam’s great seasonal sales, enjoying opportunities to grab top outdoor brands at exciting discounts.

1494 N College Avenue

UREC Outdoors

For those who aren’t quite ready to take the plunge to buy their own outdoor gear or who may be uncertain if a particular activity is for them, there’s a fantastic way to access equipment very affordably through the University of Arkansas UREC Outdoors office. Pricing is lowest for current U of A students and faculty/staff to rent camping, hiking, climbing, cycling and paddling equipment by the day—but even members of the community without a facility membership can rent equipment for very reasonable fees. And to sweeten the deal further, the staff at UREC Outdoors takes the time to custom fit rental bikes to the individuals using them.

155 Stadium Drive

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