Calling all Rescues! Dog Pawty!
Month Week Day
04/26/25 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
1 Hour, 30 Minutes

Calling all RESCUES! We are having a RESCUED DOG PAW-TY at Good Dog Cafe from 3:00-4:30!
Bring your RESCUES to romp in the park and make some new friends. Swap rescue stories with other owners and make some new friends of your own!
A limited food & drink menu will be available during the entire event.
Admission for this special event is $8 per dog and a waiver must be signed before entering the park. Dogs must meet our off-leash park requirements.
We do not allow children under 12 in the off-leash park, but they are welcome in the leashed area.
All toys/bowls will be sanitized before event. Please make sure your doggos are healthy and not showing any signs of illness.

calling all rescues


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