Music Match - New Music Trivia
04/22/24 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
2 Hours
Guided Hobbies & Skills * Food & Drink Free

We've got a new game! Music Match is a one of a kind trivia game that combines elements of all your favorite musical genres.
Our music jockey will get the crowd going as they play music that everyone will love...but there's a catch! Each song will only be played for a moment as you do your best to remember the details about the hit you just heard. This team based game will have you and your friends working together and jamming out at the same time. A digital jukebox will take you on a journey down memory lane as you try to name popular songs after only hearing snippets.

Beyond that, each round will have a trivia component where knowledge of chart toppers will see you secure coveted prizes. Turn up the volume with Music Match and you'll always hit the right notes!
To play, bring a team and pick up a scoresheet, answer slips, and pencil from the host. We'll play snippets of songs for your team to identify the artist and/or song title. We'll also mix in music trivia questions throughout the night.

Bring a team and win some green!

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